
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Show instead of tell how to complete a task in a checklist: Didit Checklist now lets you add a video link to your checklist so the person completing the list of tasks can easily watch a demonstration or follow instructions.
Add video to checklist-min (1)


Didit Checklists

Color-coded due dates

🚀 See at a glance how much time is left to complete a checklist, or if it’s already overdue with color-coded due dates. 🟡 Unfinished due dates appear in yellow, 🔴 overdue in red, and ✅ completed in green to understand where your team is in a process.
Due dates can be added manually to individual checklists, or automatically for recurring checklists.
We are excited to introduce a new feature for Didit Checklists for Jira and Confluence Cloud that makes adding tasks even easier:
New Feature: Add Tasks in View Mode
  • Simplicity First:
    You can now add a new task directly in view mode without having to switch to edit mode.
  • Quick and Intuitive:
    Simply enter a new task at the bottom of the checklist and press Enter to add it.
  • Perfect for Casual Users:
    This feature is ideal for users who want to use our checklists as simple to-do lists.
Some advanced task management features, such as defining the type of task, are still only available in edit mode.
We hope this enhancement makes your experience with Didit Checklists even more enjoyable and efficient!
We are excited to announce the Didit Checklists Public API release for Atlassian Cloud, available for both Jira and Confluence. This API enables seamless integration and management of checklist functionalities.
Key API Management Features
  • Creating API Keys
    : Users can generate API keys via their profile settings.
  • Managing API Keys
    : Admins can centrally manage all API keys under "Apps" > "Didit - Checklists" > "API Keys."
  • Deleting API Keys
    : Both admins and users can delete API keys within their respective settings.
  • API Key Security
    : Keys are hidden for security; ensure to save your API key upon creation.
Use Cases
  1. Automating Task Management
    : Integrate the API to create, update automatically, and track checklist tasks within Jira issues or Confluence pages, streamlining project management and ensuring no tasks are overlooked.
  2. Custom Reporting
    : Use the API to extract checklist data and generate custom reports or dashboards in your preferred analytics tool. This helps in visualizing progress and identifying bottlenecks in workflows.
  3. Integrated Checklist Management
    : Add checklists to your own applications, allowing for a centralized area to manage checklists fully integrated with Atlassian Jira and Confluence. This ensures consistency and efficiency across different platforms.
API Endpoints
  • Templates
    : Create, retrieve, update, and delete checklist templates.
  • Recurring Templates
    : Manage recurring settings for templates.
  • Instances
    : Manage checklist instances, including creation, updating, and deletion.
Full Documentation
For detailed API references and usage, visit our API reference. If you need some help on how to use these API functions, visit our dedicated API guide page.
For more details, please visit our official API documentation page.
Need to send a notification, transition an issue, or take another action when a checklist is 100% complete or perhaps some tasks are skipped? You can now trigger Automation rules based on 5 new Didit custom fields: completed percentage, skipped tasks, completed checklist, last checklist comment, or metadata change.
You can also use Automation to set the metadata of a Didit checklist, for example copying the value of a field from the issue into the metadata.
Questions or comments? Chat with us on Discord
We have been investing in Didit for the past 3 years, maintaining it for thousands of users.
Now we want to kick things up a notch.
Specifically, we plan to reinvest in powerful new features such as:
  • Enabling you to have multiple checklists on the same Jira issue, e.g. a testing checklist and a release checklist
  • Adding more automation to Didit checklists, e.g. checking off all tasks when a Jira issue moves to “Done”, and creating a new issue after a checklist is completed
  • Enhancing how our apps work with other Atlassian and non-Atlassian apps and platforms, and offering an Application Programming Interface (API) to help customers connect their own software to ours.
Need to export Checklists as PDF for auditing or quality control? Now you can select multiple checklists to export at once.
Exporting multiple checklists to one PDF.
  • Customized Filtering:
    Quickly select multiple checklists with our filtering options. Tailor your selection based on project-specific criteria to ensure you're capturing exactly what you need for your reports.
  • Single PDF Export:
    With a click of a button, export your selected checklists into a single, consolidated PDF document. This makes it easier than ever to compile, share, and track project-specific checklists.
  • Streamlined Reporting:
    Save valuable time and enhance your reporting process. This feature simplifies the compilation of important checklist information, making it straightforward to distribute and discuss project progress with your team and stakeholders.
Access the feature via the meatball menu in Checklists in the Didit hub:
Filter and select the checklists that you want to export and create one collated PDF:
Happy checklist managing!
Now, when you clone an issue in Jira that includes a checklist, the checklist is replicated in the new issue with all checkboxes unchecked.
Fresh Start with Unchecked Checkboxes:
Regardless of the original checklist's state, all items in the cloned checklist start unchecked, allowing for a fresh beginning.
Ad-hoc and Template Checklists:
The feature supports both ad-hoc checklists and those created from templates, ensuring that cloned issues reflect the intended structure and content.
This update allows you to start with a clean slate and tailor the checklist to meet the specific requirements of the cloned issue, ensuring no pre-existing progress affects your workflow.
Any page in Atlassian Confluence can be turned into a checklist with the click of a button now. Use Didit checklists and make it happen.
Demo page without a checklist
To show you how this feature works we've created this page:
You can either
click on the button
on the top of the page:
Or you can go into the three-dot-menu and click the entry
"Add AI Checklist to Page"
Demo checklist generated from page content
The newly generated checklist will appear on the Confluence page, conveniently placed at the bottom where you can easily find it.
Do you know this situation when you come back from a meeting and need to know what's next. Good teams use Confluence pages for meetings for real-time documentation. How about you try our new feature in this situation. Head to our documentation for creating a checklist from a Confluence page with AI for some step-by-step instructions.
We're excited to announce one of our most anticipated features: the seamless integration with Jira Automation.
Automation Integration
Now, admins can trigger actions for automation rules that involve adding or manipulating checklists directly within Jira based on predefined conditions or events.
Administrators can specify detailed instructions in JSON format or a simple checklist in Markdown format by setting an issue property with Jira Automation. See some basics and use cases in the Atlassian Documentation about the general feature. Didit Checklists integrates into this experience.
With this significant update, teams can create customized workflows tailored to their needs, further streamlining task management and improving productivity.
Head to the documentation page for details on using JSON, markdown, and custom fields in Jira with automation.
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