
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We’ve upgraded our migration capabilities to support instant, global migration of all checklists from Checklists for Jira (Pro and Enterprise) apps to Didit.
Global Migration Steps
  • Navigate to the Didit section in Jira admin settings and click "
  • Choose to
    either replace
    existing Didit checklists
    or add
    to them across all issues.
  • Specify stakeholders to
    be notified via email
    upon successful migration.
  • Instantly view the number of successfully migrated issues on the same page.
All checklists in your Jira instance will be migrated in one go, retaining their statuses and content. For more details, refer to the migration documentation or contact support.
Benefits of switching to Didit:
One of the key reasons customers migrate from Herocoders' Pro and Enterprise versions to Didit is our strong focus on audit and compliance.
Didit is built with advanced documentation, verification, and tracking capabilities
, making it an ideal choice for teams that require detailed audit trails .
Set-up visual, color-coded task statuses for checklist tasks so all stakeholders can interpret the status of tasks uniformly. To do so, open ‘Task Status’ in Didit’s admin settings. Enable the ‘Show task status in all tasks’ toggle.
Custom Navigation Menus for Confluence Cloud (3)
There are three default statuses - ‘Open’, ‘Complete’, ‘Skipped’. Admins can create additional custom statuses and assign one of six predefined colors. Here are some examples:
Screenshot 2025-02-24 at 08
Admins can now restrict checklist template access by individual users in addition to the existing group-based permission model.
  • Choose the template you want to restrict and enter the edit mode.
  • At the permissions settings section in the right sidebar - select “edit”.
  • Select one or multiple users to restrict access.
With this update, individuals from different groups can collaborate on the same template, eliminating the complexity of creating a new group in Atlassian User Management.
Template Permissions Restrictions
⚠️Before you set-up restrictions, ensure the 'All templates and checklists will be accessible by default’ toggle is disabled in the Admin settings. Once disabled, templates and checklists will no longer be accessible to everyone except for those who have been granted permission to view them.
Untitled (1900 x 358 px)
Menus configured with the new Confluence Query Language (CQL) customization enable users to instantly access relevant content via dynamic links. The queries can fetch up to 25 search results for a user's most recently watched, starred, or mentioned pages, amongst other customizable criteria.
For admins, configuring these adaptive menu items with CQL is simple and requires just three steps:
  • Step 1: Click the 'Edit Menu Structure' icon to begin customizing your menu
  • Step 2: Toggle on the CQL option for a menu item, then type or paste your CQL query into the text field
  • Step 3: Use the preview section at the top to instantly see the results of your CQL query before saving changes
Custom Navigation Menus for Confluence Cloud (3)
  • Favorited Pages: favourite = currentUser()
  • Content created since the end of yesterday: created > endOfDay("-1d")
For more information and sample CQL queries, refer to our documentation.
We’ve upgraded our migration capabilities to support instant, global migration of all checklists from Checklists for Jira (Free) app to Didit.
Migration Made Easy:
Step 1: Initiate the migration from the Jira admin apps section for Didit by clicking on ‘Import’.
Step 2: Choose whether to replace existing Didit checklists or to simply add the migrated ones.
Step 3 (Optional): Specify stakeholders to notify via email upon successful migration.
Global Migration to Didit
Your migrated checklists will retain their original statuses and content, ensuring a smooth transition without any data loss. For more details, refer to the migration documentation or contact support.
Benefits of switching to Didit:
  • No limits on checklists, items, or templates with Didit.
  • Access advanced checklist features like QR code labels and signatures.
When multiple team members are working on the same checklist, our new
‘Show details’
option reveals who checked off a task. This is handy for quick auditing.
  1. Navigate to the checklist of your choice either in the Jira issue view, a Confluence macro, or in the Didit hub.
  2. Click the three-dot menu and select ‘Show details’.
This will display:
  • Who completed or skipped each task
  • Precise timestamps for each action
Didit automation wizard (LinkedIn Post)
Didit simplifies the migration process from Checklists for Jira (Free) by HeroCoders with an easy 3-step solution. Migrate all your existing checklists in a Jira issue to Didit in one go, and gain access to unlimited checklist items, tasks, and templates.
Migration Steps:
  • First, ensure the "Save local checklist items to Jira custom fields" toggle is enabled under the Global Settings for “Checklist for Jira | Free” for the migration to proceed.
  • Click "
    mport Checklists
    " in the Didit checklist section of a Jira issue to open the migration import dialog box.
  • A
    'successful migration message'
    will confirm the transfer is complete.
Migrating checklists in didit from Herocoders
Benefits of migrating to Didit:
Enjoy a smooth, quick migration with minimal setup or disruption. For more details, refer to the migration documentation or contact support.
Break down complex tasks into manageable steps, improve collaboration across functions, and track progress efficiently with multiple checklists. Either add them ad-hoc or from template directly into a Jira issue. Read more.
How to add multiple checklist
The audit log records task updates and completions across all the checklists of an associated issue.
With this release, here's how you can also:
If you have enabled the
Didit tasks completed percentage
, the value would be aggregated across all checklists in an issue.
Customise your Spacecraft-powered site to integrate unique functionalities through the following script types:
  • Google Analytics:
    To track site traffic and user behavior
  • JSM Widget:
    To add interactive JSM support widget for real-time user assistance
  • Issue Collector:
    To gather user feedback and report issues directly into Jira
  • Custom JS:
    To add JavaScript tailored to your needs from other third party tools
Custom Scripts - SpaceCraft
New Features
  • Main menu items are now linkable, even if they contain sub-menu items.
  • Added a mobile-friendly version of the menu for smaller screens, improving accessibility on various devices.
  • Improved better line breaks for second level menu items, creating a cleaner layout for sub-menu items.
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